I've always known my path of life would take me down the route of being in the art world. Art has always been a giant passion and love for me, no matter how my life has changed it's always been there.
After going through certain life experiences I knew I wanted to use the art industry as a path to making a difference for others and making it a possibility that others never had to feel or help them cope with feelings that feel so challenging. If I can take that away for someone, that's my goal for my career.
Developing myself and artistic stamp while being a student at the University of Lincoln has been a journey, with the centre these of my works being about mental health and society, whether it be repeating patterns or performance.
When I heard a brief mentioned about this opportunity for second year, I was so excited, I knew if the option was there to apply, I would.
After applying, and being had selected, I was given the amazing opportunity to do this project and I was really grateful. I was so excited to be working with new individuals and having my first experiences within the field I want for my future career. It was nice to meet new people and seeing what art was going to be made during us both progressing as facilitators and clients.
Working with the clients throughout the project has felt extremely rewarding but it is the client and facilitator relationship that was key when building a certain level of trust, which then in turn made me feel much more confident when offering artistic guidance and advice. Alongside this seeing the clients progress with their work, but also their personal growth and using methods they've never tried before has felt incredible. This project has also offered me a big insight to seeing how are can be used as a method of communicating and responding to past or current situations for the clients.
I feel very grateful I was selected to be part of the project, and for the experiences I have gained but also will continue to learn leading on from this. As a whole it has made me feel more determined to peruse it at masters level, and achieve a career in art therapy.